Artori saw the light in 2016 as a passion project by Steven Van den Bremt and Inge Demuynck. As product development director, Steven takes the creative and technical part of Artori under his wings.
Behind the scenes:
Artori saw the light in 2016 as a passion project by Steven Van den Bremt and Inge Demuynck. As product development director, Steven takes the creative and technical part of Artori under his wings.
As a little rascal, Steven was fascinated by drawing and crafting. With Lego Technics he resolutely went for his own designs instead of following plans slavishly. To become an industrial engineer was therefore was a logical step. He opted for the (then) brand new industrial design course, the perfect marriage between engineering and design-oriented subjects. The first seeds for Artori were sown.
When he approached 40, and after gaining a lot of experience, the time was right for his own design agency. Not the umpteenth design agency in the list, but different from the others: no beautiful drawing without solid engineering.
Develop feasible and salable products. That's where we make the difference with Artori and that has always been my dream.
Artori is a translation of how Inge and Steven themselves are. Artori's “Why” reflects their working method and what they want to mean for their customers: a dedicated team that guides them with great passion in the realization of their new product. A team that every customer can trust blindly.
That is why customers choose Artori. No empty talk, but rock-solid guidance to achieve a great end result.
The best compliment I received from a new customer was the referral he received from one of our partners: if you want it to be good, you have to go to Artori.
Within two years, Artori wants to expand to a team of 5 experienced designers, while maintaining the focus on the 5 design steps that Artori offers today. Artori wants to be a reference for start-ups and companies that want to convert their cool ideas into manufacturable and salable products and is well on its way to achieve that ambition.
And all this in a healthy work-life balance. Together with Inge, Steven enjoys the walks with their dogs. The ideal moment to turn the switch and enjoy nature. Strumming his guitar and playing sports 5 days a week also provides the necessary oxygen to guide Artori into the future together with Inge.